
CoroUniting church

415 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley SA 5051, Australia

You're invited to join us either in person (with children's and youth programs) or online at for our weekly worship services from 10.00am each Sunday. Office Hours are 9.00am - 3.00pm Tuesday - Thursday

Sunday, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Tuesday, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Friday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Simon Dent

Lead Minister

0402 217 860


Jethro Buxton

Pastor - Youth & Young Adults

0417 451 884


Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Baptism is a sign of belonging to Jesus and to his church.

Within the Uniting Church, we baptise people when they come to faith in Jesus or, if they are very young children, on request from their Christian parents understanding that they will bring their children up to know and love Jesus. We also offer a service of blessing and thanksgiving for young children.

Please email the Church Office or David for more information.

In marriage God has given us an amazing picture of the relationship he desires to have with us.

CoroUniting offers Christian marriage services conducted by a Christian minister. Couples who ask for marriage will be encouraged to have a number of preparation sessions, helping them to think about their relationship, and to see how God wants to shape and bless their marriage. These sessions also include planning and rehearsing the marriage service.

If you would like to book a wedding, you will need to fill out a Marriage Booking Form and arrange to cover the costs associated with organising the service. Please email the Church Office for more information.

Christian funerals are a time to gather together and grieve the loss of a loved one, but also to thank God for their life. We understand that for those who believe in Jesus, death is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new and wonderful reality of life with God.

Please email the Church Office for more information.