
Vision and Values

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Our mission at CoroUniting is to be A People Focused on Jesus, worshiping, building each other up, demonstrating God’s justice, and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to others.

As we do this, we focus our energies in ministry on the below focal points:

  • being a place of healing and transformation through the gospel of Jesus
  • encouraging faith formation across all ages
  • being a truly intergenerational community
  • continuing our commitment to cross cultural mission and
  • intentionally connecting with our local community

To get a feel for where where our vision is currently taking us see the 2020 Vision document.

More From 'About'


CoroUniting has both a Church Council and a Staff Team as well as many other people who exercise their God-given gifts in leadership at various levels.

Our Church Council provides spiritual oversight, leadership and strategic direction to the life of the church and comprises several Elders (elected by the congregation), our Treasurer and our Lead Minister, Simon. The Church Council meets monthly and can be contacted by email.

Our Staff Team, led by Simon, facilitates and encourages the growth and nurturing of the church as a whole.

Further information, including contact details and eldership portfolios, can be found here.


What we believe

CoroUniting holds a reformed, evangelical and historically orthodox view of the Christian faith. This blog post helpfully describes what we mean by 'evangelical'.

We believe that God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is actively drawing people to Himself to trust him for salvation, life and joy-filled purpose.

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God that reveals Jesus Christ. It has ultimate authority in faith and life for the church.

Our identity as individuals and a community – and subsequently all that we do together – is founded on God’s all-encompassing grace. We come together to know and love God, to learn from Jesus through the Bible and to love one another by God’s Spirit. Corporately, God calls us into the world to preach the good news of Jesus and demonstrate his compassion, mercy and justice.

See the linked Doctrinal Statement for a fuller explanation of our beliefs.

As a church, we are part of the Uniting Church SA, adhering to the Basis of Union. The Uniting Church SA is in turn part of the National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia.

We are part of the Generate Presbytery in South Australia and members of the Propel Network and Assembly of Confessing Congregations (ACC).


Who we are

We’re a mixed bunch! From babies to grandparents, from different backgrounds and life circumstances, including a network Persian believers. We believe we all benefit from experiencing a rich community where people from all walks of life can share and grow together.

Want to to find out more about membership?

Membership is open to those who have faith in Christ, have been baptised and are actively involved in the life of the church. Members are invited to meet on a regular basis to discern God’s direction for the church and to appoint the key leaders.

More info? See the linked pamphlet 'Let's talk about Membership' or email Simon.

Our History

In 1850, a group of Christians came together at Coromandel Valley to worship God. Their roots were mainly Wesleyan (which was later referred to as Methodist), Baptist and Congregationalist with family links back to the UK.

Refer the two linked documents for a history of events from 1850 to 2000 of the Wesleyan/Methodist/Uniting Church at Coromandel Valley (written by Max Winter) and a description of the main changes to the body life of Coromandel Valley Methodist/Uniting Church between 1965 and 2000 including the influence of the Youth Group and the charismatic renewal movement (written by Ray Elford).
