After many years of working overseas in Thailand and Cambodia, serving as State Director SA/NT and later SA mobiliser (Scott) and Personnel Managers for Interserve Australia, Scott and Rachael’s roles changed again in mid-2020. Scott ceased working with Interserve in order to be the minister of Bridgewater Uniting Church.
Rachael continues with Interserve in a new role as a Spiritual Director, helping Interserve partners around the world and in Australia to draw close to God in the pressures of everyday life so that they can flourish in their calling. She will continue to need financial and prayer support as she runs retreats, provides one-on-one spiritual direction and facilitates an international peer network within the agency. Rachael, previously a physiotherapist, has recently trained in Spiritual Direction and completed a Doctorate of Ministry. Her new ministry flows from her extensive experience in mission and transition.
You can check out some updates and more information about Rachael in the Resources section (search for 'cross-cultural') - for privacy reasons this is restricted to those who call CoroUniting home.
Josh & Hayley (with their son Koa) work with Youth With A Mission at the Perth base, Josh in a film ministry and Hayley in facilitating the Children at Risk School (CARS). The film ministry, Cygnet Films, aims to develop scripts which communicate Christian values which are modelled in the filming process. Both scripts and filming involve the community the team are reaching out to, building on relationships with them and exploring their own stories. Their first film, Wongi Warrior, was released in 2014 and they continue to develop their web series, Kimberley Spirit, speaking into the God-given identity of Aboriginal young people.
As a YWAM ministry, the film group participates in occasional overseas outreach trips along with others from the base. The Perth base has a specific commitment to working with indigenous communities in the Kimberley region, and both Josh’s and Hayley’s work involves growing relationships there.
You can check out some updates and more information about Josh & Hayley's role in the Resources section (search for 'cross-cultural') - for privacy reasons this is restricted to those who call CoroUniting home.
Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a term describing people who spend a significant part of childhood living outside their passport countries.
Kath is an Interserve partner, relying on team support as she develops policies and practices that support Third Culture Kids (TCKs) as they prepare to move overseas, while they live there and when they return. This involves developing and running programs for children and teenagers in Transition Training (a Missions Interlink twice-yearly residential preparation course) and at overseas regional team conferences; providing Child Safe training and resources to Interserve staff and families; and personal engagement with young Australians of Interserve families at all stages of their cross-cultural journey. She is passionate to see young people adjusting to the constant transitions in their lives and to have their identity grounded in Christ.
Kath keeps in touch with her supporters primarily via facebook (email Kath for details).
You can check out some updates and more information about Kath's role in the Resources section (search for 'cross-cultural') - for privacy reasons this is restricted to those who call CoroUniting home.