

We're a community of everyday people who believe that Jesus is alive, and that he invites us all into fulness of life! We gather together to worship, engage with the Bible, and encourage each other. We're a mixed bunch from babies to grandparents, from a variety of different backgrounds.

We meet each Sunday at 10am both in person and online, with a range of activities during the week. We'd love to meet you and get to know you!

Still Chosen? The Gospel and Israel 3

Join us for worship. Rev Dr Vicky Balabanski will be taking us through Romans 11 in a shorter service.

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Upcoming Events


Midweek Worship

All are welcome to attend this time of reflection and worship as we hear the Word, pray and are fed at the Lord's table.

The service is followed by tea, coffee and a light lunch. All welcome from our first meeting of the year on Tuesday 1 March.

More details? Contact Sarah Hughes on 0435 729 883.


8P Garden Gatherings (Planting, Propagating, Pruning, Pottering, Picnicking, Prayer, Praise and Peace)

Thankyou to the Church Council for supporting the Garden Ministry and the exciting Prayer and Praise area in the 'top paddock'.

You are all invited to join us between 8.30-12 (for whatever time you have) on the 1st Saturday of each month (unless really wet). Morning tea of course.

Please bring snips, hedge trimmer, spade, gloves, etc if you have them.

All welcome! See this photo album for some recent pictures.


Blokes, Beverages & Barbeques

For all men from 18-100+. Bring some meat (or vegetarian equivalent) and a beverage you enjoy (alcohol welcome!).

Regular gatherings now on the LAST Saturday of each month.

For all enquiries please contact either Jethro, Urs Inauen or Paul Hughes and RSVP here.


Feature Articles

2022 Service Changes

We are trialling some tweaks to our Sunday service.

From the first Sunday in October to the end of Dec you may notice a few changes in the way we are led in worship on Sundays. We are looking at streamlining our services by reducing the number of people who will get up and say something in the service with the hope that the services run more smoothly be more engaging and helpful.

In the last quarter this year we are going to trial:

- No longer having a service host but appoint the Worship team leader or worship team member to welcome the congregation and pray our prayers of preparation and praise.

- Combine the giving of notices with the prayers of intercession. This means one person will do both at the same time in the service.

- Have a team of four people who will rotate throughout the quarter doing the bible readings.

We are hoping these small tweaks will help our service engagement and provide space for us to respond to what the Spirit is doing. As the trial goes on we would like to know what you think. Feel free to let an elder or staff know at the end of year after the trial.


Keen to join a Life Group?

If you are not part of a Life Group and are keen to join one, please let us know by filling out this Google form. Alternately you could print the attached PDF and fill it in manually. Thank you!


2023 Bible Reading Plan

2023 Bible Reading Plan

View the 2023 plan

Read more here to find out all the details, and suggestions for how you might take part in this on your own, or with others.


415 Main Road, Coromandel Valley

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