Catch up on previous Sunday worship services - video or audio only (audio messages only prior to 22 March 2020)
Service recordings will be uploaded as soon as possible after each service
The great gift of salvation is communion with God. We don’t just get our sins forgiven in Christ but we also have been brought into face to face relationship and have our lives reoriented towards His will and purposes by His powerful Spirit. It’s all grace and it is wonderful.
It seems crazy then that so much of our lives are lived in anxiety and fear. It’s good to be reoriented each time we slow down and listen to Jesus. We don’t need to be our own saviours. Jesus is Lord.
What is Scripture and how does the Spirit use Scripture to shape the way I pray and the transformation of my mind to the mind that was in Christ?
Craig talks about the Marvel Franchise and expanding your attentional capacity.
Listen here.
The gospel is that Jesus, the Son of God was sent to us by God to stand in our place to be our savior and now to stand as our leader and our life. The gospel, is Jesus plus nothing equals everything. He is love and He holds us. If you have been at Coro for a while you will have heard this. It is the gospel we preach. However how easy it is for us to act according to a different ‘gospel’. One that says at the end of the day is really is up to me securing my own life. If I have my way, if I manipulate things the way I want then life will be good. We all do it. Even Peter, the leader of the early Church did this and was called out by Paul in his hypocrisy. There is one antidote to this says Paul. Go back to the good news. Be a people focused on Jesus.
Freedom from our past and from the hurt caused by others, it necessary for us to truly enjoy the gift of forgiveness for ourselves.
Marianne Topham shares with us her personal journey of forgiveness and how it set her free in ways she never expected.
Paul is keen to establish his credentials as an apostle and he describes his conversion in clear terms. As a hater of Christians and the Christian gospel, he encounters Christ, the one whose people he is chasing and persecuting, and this effects an amazing transformation. He is transformed from being a deeply religious person to someone who devotes his life to the spread of the gospel to all parts of the known world. This transformation is not unique to Paul, but is basis for true life and freedom for all humanity.
Paul’s letter to the churches in the region of Galatia (in modern day Turkey) opens with a grave concern that the believers are abandoning the true gospel to instead adopt a counterfeit. His language is strong and stark, showing us how serious an error this would be. Although we are thousands of miles away and live thousands of years later, the risk is real for us too. We must be sure that we embrace and hold the genuine message of Jesus in the face of so many alternatives that sound plausible.
Today we launch the vision of our church going into 2020 and beyond.
Far from just being a place of retreat, the grace of God gives the church power to truly make an eternal difference in the world. We pray that we may be a willing active part of this. We are a future oriented people looking towards the life that is to come when Jesus returns. Like God, we know this life is too good to keep to ourselves. Jesus is with us by his Spirit not only to secure us but to send us out as his community with transforming good news of the gospel.
You will have opportunity over the next few weeks to indicate how you might give of your time, talents and finances to this mission that belongs to Jesus. The best is yet to come.
Note: The intro video to Building a Discipling Culture that was shown during Simon's message can be viewed here.
Pete doesn't talk about guinea pigs, but about sporting grand finals and the race that God has already run for us.