Child Safety at CoroUniting

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17 September, 2019

As a church community, CoroUniting takes the safety of the children in our care very seriously. The new Working with Children Checks that need to be undertaken for anyone in a role of responsibility with children are an important part of this.

Working with Children Checks

Working with Children Checks (WWCCs) are a government assessment to check whether or not an individual is safe to work with children.

See our Working with Children Checks resource page for further information.

Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect

Any person who works or volunteers in a church is obliged by law to notify the Department for Child Protection (formerly Families SA) if they suspect on reasonable grounds that a child or young person has been or is being abused or neglected and the suspicion is formed in the course of the person's work (whether paid or voluntary) or in carrying out official duties.

Notification to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78) must be made as soon as practicable after the person forms the suspicion. See below for more information.

Safe Environments Training

Part of the church's ongoing best practices is to provide training opportunities for people to understand their legal responsibility for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. We offer the “Safe Environments – Through their eyes” training course. This is the standard accredited package with all trainers approved by the department to deliver this content, however please note that this is not the DECD RAN version of the course. This educative awareness training is for anyone who has contact with children and vulnerable people and covers:

  • What is child abuse and neglect?
  • How to identify it
  • Why, when and how to make a notification
  • How to respond, support and protect a child or young person who has been abused

More information, including training dates can be found on the SA Synod Safe Church Training Courses web page.

CoroUniting church will cover the cost of anyone working or volunteering with children within the church who would like to undergo this course. Please contact our Safe Church Congregation Liaison (Kathy Fopp) to make the necessary arrangements.

More Information

Reporting concerns and matters of abuse

Current situations: If you believe a child or adult is in immediate danger please call SA Police on 000.

If the concern relates to a child at risk of harm or potentially at risk call the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78.

If any of the above involves any person in a leadership / role of responsibility within the church please notify the Safe Church Committee by telephoning (08) 8236 4268 or by email.

Can't find your ID?

If you have a current, valid Uniting Church Screening Check (ie. the old 'Police Check') and you can't find your ID you can recover this via this online portal.

Additional Screening Checks and further resources

Certain roles within the life of the church require additional Screening Checks as detailed on our Duty of Care at CoroUniting resource page.

See the linked documents and website for further details including links to:

For further information, please contact our Safe Church Congregation Liaison (Kathy Fopp) or email Called to Care (Linda Vinall) in the Synod office.

More From 'Resources'

Poem - The Cross of Christ


Christ’s sacrifice upon that cross

Somehow just sets us free

He died but then He rose again

For us that’s hard to see

We struggle in this earthly life

Entrapped by fears within

Not fully understanding that

Christ took away our sin

We all are called to just believe

“It was finished” on the cross

God’s grace beyond all measure

Sacrificed Christ on that cross

To somehow make a way for all

Who’d strayed since Adam’s fall

It was the perfect sacrifice

Planned especially for all

God Himself then saved His Son

He took Him back to heaven

Christ is with His Father now

Knowing man can be forgiven

The holy Spirit’s been sent down

To help us here to know

Christ will come again one day

Christ’s Father made that vow

We know there is a home for us

When Jesus comes again

He’s coming on that wondrous cloud

With a host of angels then

Creation will bow down to Him

They’ll know their sin and shame

Even those who pierced Him too

Will know He took their blame

On that Day when Christ arrives

Life will change for all mankind

Those who’ve loved the Lord of life

Will be renewed in soul and mind

From that old wooden cross

I have been set free

Christ their took all sin

From you and from me

Just believe that it’s true

What God in Christ did for you

— Graham K Byrne 2023


Life Group Studies - Lenten Series: Lamentations

Thank you to Simon for preparing this Lenten Series of Life Group Bible Studies on Lamentations. For each week there are some helpful thoughts, suggested readings and questions either for discussion in groups or for pondering on your own.

There are printed copies of each study on the Easter Resource Table at church - they are also available for download below:

- Study 1 - Lamentations intro

- Study 2 - How lonely sits the city (Lam 1)

- Study 3 - Where is bread and wine? (Lam 2)

- Study 4 - The Great Turning Point (Lam 3)

- Study 5 - How the gold has lost its lustre (Lam 4)

- Study 6 - A Prayer for Restoration (Lam 5)


2023 Bible Reading Plan

As a church we are following Tim Chester’s 3-year Bible Reading Plan, taking us through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice. It’s in weekly chunks so there is no pressure if you happen to miss a day. It’s flexible and manageable. We've done it for the past 4 years and we're starting it again in 2023.

Developing a Bible reading habit can be challenging so we'd suggest doing it together. This way you'll not only read the Bible but also be able to share with others the insights you are gaining from the readings and be encouraged to keep going.

How to get involved:

- Life Groups: Get your Life Group involved and use the readings as the basis of your sharing each week;

- Solo: Read the set readings on your own and prayerfully journal your thoughts;

We'd love to have you join us!
